Thanksgiving, a popular holiday | Sunday Observer

Thanksgiving, a popular holiday

2 December, 2018

Thanksgiving, celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November, is one of the most popular holidays on the American calendar.

Though traditionally a religious and cultural celebration, it is now observed by all, regardless of beliefs or culture. The origin of the fun tradition, can be traced back to a feast organised by Governor William Bradford to celebrate the Pilgrims’ first successful corn harvest in 1621.

While the celebration, which lasted for three days, was never repeated, it inspired numerous annual harvest festivals throughout the country. In 1789, George Washington tried to unify the various celebrations by suggesting a national day of Thanksgiving.

The nation’s Founding Father and first leader thought a single holiday would be a good way to commemorate the “happy conclusion to the country's war of independence and the successful ratification of the US constitution.” But the idea received little public support and was abandoned shortly after.


