The Invisibles | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

The Invisibles

10 March, 2019


Early morning in the busy cities
amidst the hustle and bustle
they push the garbage carts,
cleaning the littered pavements.
Some sweep the dusty roads
Collecting garbage along the way,
Some load the garbage into lorries,
The stinking smell pollutes the air.
Their brown bodies bear the burden,
Without them the city would be a hell,
Where no one will dwell
But alas! nobody cares to look at them,
though their wear a luminous dress.
Their immense service uncounted,
even with a nod or a smile ,
They remain INVISIBLE
as deities to the naked eye.

- Anula Peramune


The Invisibles

Early morning in the busy cities
amidst the hustle and bustle
they push the garbage carts,
cleaning the littered pavements.
Some sweep the dusty roads
Collecting garbage along the way,
Some load the garbage into lorries,
The stinking smell pollutes the air.
Their brown bodies bear the burden,
Without them the city would be a hell,
Where no one will dwell
But alas! nobody cares to look at them,
though their wear a luminous dress.
Their immense service uncounted,
even with a nod or a smile ,
They remain INVISIBLE
as deities to the naked eye.

- Anula Peramune


You are disturbing me

You are disturbing
Me to have a love for you
But I know
The love for you
Will give me a dreadful future
How can I become untrustworthy
To the one whom I am
Waiting to meet in my future
You are trying to
Catch me in your spell trap
But I know the reality
The love for you
Will be my undoing
Hey “money” you will never
Attract me with your allures
I will never become slave to you
I am always the slave of my creator
To whom I am yearning to meet

- Zahri Xera
