Self-help is the best-help! | Sunday Observer

Self-help is the best-help!

13 December, 2020

In critical situations, when we are out of solutions to face problems we often seek help from our friends and family. Help is very much needed in our lives. When times of struggle comes along with an unpredicted package of challenges help looks divine to us. We are used to asking for help from others on many occasions. But, have you ever thought about how worthy ‘self-help’ is? It is more like you becoming the helping hand for yourself in critical situations. It is not something hard to do if we put our hearts into it.

There are common situations in life where most people become stressed, short of money, unemployed, sick, and heartbroken.

This year, the pandemic hit us with the worst kind of scenarios which have left most of us helpless. Unemployment, hunger, and stress levels are still on the move towards the peak ,just like the virus, which keeps spreading fast like bush fire. During life before the pandemic, none of the above factors were at intense levels. The pandemic is just a reminder of how unprepared we are for sudden calamities happening throughout our lifetime.


Desperately finding answers is hard and distressing. In a period like this, everyone is hopeless and despondent.

Unlike in any other year, the world suffered immensely as most of the people kept going for narrow-minded and poor choices which aggravated the problem and unfortunately, suicide was among them.

We are living in an era, in which we are left to decide whether we are moving from evolution to devolution. As survival has become a real struggle, there is no chance left for you to take life for granted. The only way to get back on track is self-help which lets you decide how far you will be in the long run despite the hurdles.

Hunger, unemployment, and poverty go hand in hand. At any moment anyone could become vulnerable to poverty. Even if you are young and rich, you can never throw away the idea of being prepared for unfortunate times.

Being self-employed is a very essential factor today despite having other means of earning money. Because it protects you from being unemployed as you are the one who’s handling the business and saves you from instant poverty.

More importantly, saving is the foundation to become prosperous. Without doing it, climbing the ladder of success is only a daydream. Above all working according to a long-term plan which takes you to your targets even during calamities is an outstanding quality in any person who desires to be a survivor.

Education is the key to self-improvement. It is a vast subject which has no end, inexplicably valuable and useful throughout lifetime. Education stands as the only answer for every issue and every quest which has popped up in our minds. Human civilisation evolved up today as a result of the discovery of science and technology.

Education is a necessity for survival just as oxygen as it prevents us from embracing myth. Even though mankind made use of education to build civilizations, they rarely utilized it to expand their inner dimensions.


As a result, even the so-called developed, contemporary communities seem to be psychologically unfit and unhealthy. It is a bad symptom for the wellbeing of the brain which acts as the main support system of endurance. Pathetically, in some countries, the suicide rate has exceeded the number of deaths which occur due to Covid-19. This is the reason why expanding the inner dimensions of the human mind is essential.

Apart from being the breadwinner of the family, all of us have a responsibility to be prepared and be immune to the mental pandemics that could hit us with pain, struggle, challenges, stress, anxiety and depression among other things.Therefore, be prepared and learn to strive through the sudden storms of life while being the oar for the boat of survival.
