Cracking difficult nuts in an organisation

by malinga
September 24, 2023 1:05 am 0 comment 491 views

Everybody tries to avoid working with a person who creates problems rather than solving them. Every organisation has one such difficult nut or more. Dealing with such problematic employees decreases productivity and increases frustrations.

You have to be clear about your subordinate’s capabilities and the tasks assigned to him. The quality of the work, expected of him; whether he works within the deadlines given. All of this needs to be checked upon to channelise his work. The problem-people of the organisation can be trying at times, but when you manage to give them leverage and importance, they can actually be useful to the team dynamics.

However, they should never be given any leadership role. Somewhere along the way, you will hear these things: ‘Sorry, I can’t come to office today; I’m sick again!’, ‘I would have helped you with this project if I did not have pending work.’ The employee who always seems to disappear whenever there is work to be done.

Honest and frank discussion

An honest and frank discussion with such people is the only way to tackle their attitude. Effective decision making is an art which obviously cannot be earned overnight, hence, needs to be nurtured in time. However, even an effective leader cannot remain oblivious to certain hurdles which chronicle his decision-making capacity.

An effective decision has positive effects on all the departments, and equal damage is caused by an ineffective decision. Hence, he has to remain vigilant about the repercussions caused by his decisions.

It is often demanding for team leaders to win over these people for new changes in the organisation as they are dead set against changes and have a strong mind set on how the group should be run. Due to their capabilities in the workplace, these employees can be very obstinate and relatively thoughtless to any reliable criticism.

An arrogant employee who is reluctant to accept feedback from senior executives will fight back to accomplish something in a cutthroat workplace. On the other hand, those who are open to ideas and productive criticism will see advancement in their career and attain opening for enhanced self-development.

Expecting people to mend their ways immediately is impracticable. Actually, people are not always conscious of how their dealings affect their work and the surroundings. Leaders can frame a time schedule for a one-on-one appraisal, such as the next couple of months, to make out if the arrogant employee is showing signs of specific modification in their attitude.

In drawing attention to an employee’s improper conduct during a one-on-one discussion, leaders should not amplify their remarks since it can lead to resentment and misapprehension. In fact, leaders should be categorical when encouraging them to transform.

An arrogant team member may require a fact check periodically, thus it is advisable to go from training to feedback. This enables your workers to enhance their understanding of how their dealings are upsetting the team. Arrogant employees often think that their charisma and involvement are frantically desired by their employers. These awfully self-possessed members of staff present a stark disparity to the company’s principles and thoughts about modesty.

Arrogant employees

Bosses should be proactive and give clear warnings to arrogant employees who are incapable of altering their bad attitudes at work. If the arrogant employee does not show predictable changes in their professional outlook, reminders and a “order for termination” may be suggested.

After the leader has discussed, do not forget to keep an eye on the progress. This will help such workers meet their targets within the time span you have set. Progress can be monitored in a variety of ways, including taking views from peers, judging the quality of their work, and holding frequent face-to-face meetings. To ensure fairness, make documented remarks and reports. Dealing with arrogant workers needs relentless efforts, patience, and investment of time.

Nevertheless, by bridging the communication divide with such employees through face-to-face chat, leaders cannot only assist change in their behaviour but also groom them to assume leadership roles in the future. Only with alteration in behaviour and displaying the right attitudes at work, can such arrogant employees achieve the great heights of success. To conclude, patience holds the key to change.

Clean the organisation and make it a no-nonsense environment where no such hard nuts can find refuge. This will make the larger team happy and motivated.

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