Estates for Sale
Coconut Land sale – Bingiriya. 35 acres coconut land, freehold land, with electricity, solar, water, tube well & proper irrigation system. Can pick 25,000 – 32,000 coconut yield for 45 days, bordering coconut triangle, good sandy (class 1) soil. Good road access, 6.5 million per acre. Call – 0741149895.
Coconut land – Mundalama 40 acres outright land over 50 years, Colombo – Puttalam main road – three km from Mundalama Junction land side property. (20 acres grown plants, 17 acres two years plants, 3 acres paddy) water access / house / electricity / tractor – bowser – trailer / goat shed with 60 animals, with proper fencing. 6 million per acre. 077 31 85946.
Kurunegala Dodangaslanda lush 4 acre Coconut with water and electricity close to Main Road, sans harmful wild animals to the cultivation for sale. Price 35,000,000/=. 0773756556.
Padukka Bope Madakada 141P with Rambutan, Jackfruit plants closed to Main Road, one km to Ceranity Hotel, immediate sale. 0771198488.