Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Premio Superior 2014 2nd owner 124,000 km Pearl White, alloy wheels electric seat, Toyota maintain records. 0712957992.
Toyota Vitz, for sale. (Pearl White). CAX—-, Doctor used. Contact No. 0768337737.
Nissan Cars for Sale
Leaf – CAK 2012 – 7 bars 70 kmpc – 80w Rs. 2,950,000, 16-850cc auto Coure Rs. 85,000/=, 14-100cc Charade Rs. 675,000/=. 4-1300VW Rs. 950,000/= Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicles Wanted
Cars, vans, jeeps and cabs of all makes and models are required immediately on rent basis without the driver to be deployed in state and private sector institutions. Lumpsum payments and number of relief packages are available. Govt. Registration No. WC 18880 Pannipitiya – Kandy – Matara. 0112846026.