Cars for Sale
Hyundai Elantra car (2008) petrol automatic, full option, 126,000 km done. 0779327263 / 0777650028.
Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Vitz 2000 HG-xxxx registration 2003 auto. 3,200,000/-. 076-1772239.
Vehicles Hire/Lease Services
Available self-drive Range Rover (2013), BMW-XI, Outlander (2015), Prado-150 (2015), Montero Sport, Montero (2014) Vezel (2014), Premio, Axio, Wagon-R (2017) March 300 Dash, Alto. immediately. 0763712828.
Company Directors / Executives, Multi National Companies need self-drive Prado Montero Honda CRV Outlander DFSK, Eclipse Vezel Premio Axio Prius Aqua Wagon-R Alto urgently. 0763712828.
Jeeps & Pickups for Sale
Honda Vezel 2017 RS Bank Manager owned CAY xxxx 79000 km 116/= red colour, Gampaha. 0773076199.
2019 Landrover Discovery 5 for sale. Contact 0778582622.
Vehicles Wanted
All makes (models) of cars, vans, jeeps, cabs on rent basis to be deployed in state and private sector without the driver are required immediately. Lump sum payments and array of concessionary packages available. Govt. registration number: WC18880. Pannipitiya – Kandy, Matara. 011-2846026.