What is ‘the mind’: Let’s have a look at a few definitions from the dictionary of various aspects relating to the mind that collectively give an idea of the mind*. Please note that the mind refers to ‘the mind’ in common parlance.
(Pay special attention to the phrases the mind, ‘the mind’ and “THE MIND”)
Memory is the ability of the mind to store and recall past sensations, thoughts, knowledge etc., or the part of the brain that appears to have this function. The memory is the sum of everything retained by the mind.
Mind is the human faculty to which are ascribed thought, feeling etc. often regarded as an immaterial part of a person.
Thinking is to exercise the mind to make a decision. ( Is decision making always the case? What if someone daydreams, or dreams in sleep?)
Telepathy – Communication of thoughts involving the mind and the mechanism cannot be understood in terms of known scientific laws*.
Recept is an image formed in the mind by the incidence of the appropriate signal on a sensory organ i.e. sensory stimulation.
Sense is any of the faculties by which the mind receives*information about the external world i.e. sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste or about the state of the body.
‘The Electric Filed Theory’ introduces a sixth organ called “THE MIND” that is linked to the five external sensory organs, the ‘memory storage system’ and ‘The Processor’*through The Body Electric Field referred to as ‘THE MESH’ electric field, for conveyance of information within the body and beyond, which facilitates also an explanation for telepathy and dreaming.

Shantha Athulathmudali
“THE MIND” is ‘THE MESH’ itself embedded with information and conveys stored information from the memory to ‘The Processor’. Therefore “THE MIND” is regarded as the sixth sensory organ.
‘THE MESH’ electric field, which is formed by the combination of three electric fields which set up in (a) the cardiac chamber (b) the brain (c) all cells in the whole body producing energy resulting from mitochondrial action within the cells, performs the task of maintaining the electrical energy and the media for communication through the ‘life system’.)
The mind, as it is evident from commonly available definitions related to ‘the mind’, in its general sense as in day to day use, is often considered being something corporeal and by some schools of thought as an ethereal phenomenon reckoned with either the brain or in the latter case with the body and surrounding it and ‘Thinking’ as its function. It is of commonplace, as implied by the exposition of the ‘memory’, that it is considered located ‘in’ the mind itself, which is located in the brain.
‘The Process of Thinking’ and ‘The Thinking Process’ are referred to as ‘the mind’ and the phrase the mind is left to denote the meaning in common parlance and does not form a part of the theory.
The Electric Field Theory sees ‘thinking’ as an automatic process, fed by ‘The Process of Perception’ which occurs in ‘The Processor’ i.e. ‘the information processing system’ located in the brain and that it uses ‘Reference Information’ in conjunction with a complex system of ‘Macro Programmes’.
The collective result of the process, in this work, is referred to as ‘The Thinking Process’ or ‘The Process of Thinking’, the functions of which are perception of input signals i.e. information fed through the six sensory organs and generating commands is described as ‘the mind’. The phrase ‘The Processor’, as used in this work, is identified only with processing information input through the external sensory organs and “THE MIND”. The theory disregards all other function of the brain.
While ‘the Process of Perception’ results in ‘the Thinking Process’ and the manifestation of the phenomenon called ‘the mind’, ‘Thinking’ too feeds the ‘the Process of Perception’ with the information that thinking produces. The reason is that ‘The Processor’ picks up information through ‘THE MESH’ electric field and this phenomenon enables the processors to continue uninterrupted.
It is necessary to recite with emphasis that the pause-less automatic action of ‘The Processor’ is the ‘SINGLE’ property of the process that ‘misleads’ the human ‘perception’ to misconceive the existence of a phenomenon or an ‘element’, corporeal or spiritual, described as the mind.
The mind is the result of the failure to perceive the automatism and the speed of ‘The Processor’ in executing its ‘designated duty’, which is described as ‘Thinking’ i.e. processing input information against a ‘reference database’ for perception and issue command signals i.e. decision making and issuance of instructions for action and control, all of which is automatic.
‘The Process of Thinking’*or ‘The Thinking Process’ manifests the mind. The mind is the perception of the total result of ‘thinking’ misconceived due to lack of understanding of the process. ‘The mind’ is never the same even at two adjacent thousandths of a second as the process is the result of electrical information exchange as in a computer CPU.
‘The process of thinking’ or ‘the thinking process’ referred to as ‘the mind’ begins the process, stimulated by electrical signals from the six sensory organs generated on ‘THE MESH’.
‘The Process of Thinking’, Decision Making, Action and Control
‘The Process of Thinking’ is defined herein, as ‘thinking’ when ‘Random or Haphazard Access’ by the external ‘sensory organs’ and “THE MIND” and the ‘Automatism’, of ‘The Processor’, are impeded and dampened, regulated and guided along predetermined paths by several highly specialised ‘Special Task’, complex ‘macro programmes’ or ‘neural pathways’. (Macro programme is the term used in this work)
‘The Processor’ functions continuously in one of two modes.
The ‘Reference Information Base’ and ‘Macro Programs Base’ are developed from infancy through to maturity in adulthood and thereafter, as necessary as parts of the ‘Applications Software’ during the learning process of the human being.
“THE MIND”, functions as ‘the primary source’ of information, as it is capable of acquiring information utilizing internal facilities i.e. ‘the mind’, ‘the memory storage system’ and ‘the memory jogger’ directly as electrical signals and deliver to ‘The Processor’. “THE MIND” can also receive information from another similar electric field of the same frequency as in telepathy.
This complex phenomenon of “THE MIND” with the capacity of the system to store information in short, medium and long term memory are misconceived generally as the mind having a conscious mind and a subconscious mind and different segments of the mind deal with id, ego and superego.
According to modern science a memorable event causes neurons to fire more frequently making the experience more intense increasing the likelihood of the event being encoded as a memory.
In Electric Field Theory neurons are referred to as electrically charged cells.
Short, medium or long term memories are determined by the voltage a recept receives which in turn is determined by the strength of the relevant reference information stored in the memory storage system.
Formation of the ‘Macro Programmes’ or ‘Macro Instructions’ i.e. Neural Pathways of functions, instructions, commands, action and control: i.e. the information processing programmes of ‘The Applications Software System’ of the ‘life system’.
Main Macro Programs or Macros
‘Main Macro Programmes’ or ‘neural pathways’ of the ‘Thinking & Decision Making Process’ are those which activate the commands of inquiry What, Why, When, How, Who, Where and those of ‘Preferences & Aversions’ and Acceptance & Rejection.
After some time, the ‘main macro programme’ corresponding to ‘Where’ establishes permanently with links to various ‘sub macros’ or ‘sub neural pathways’ corresponding to different activities linked to satisfying the desire.
As long as an individual is alive the ‘thinking process’ i.e. ‘the mind’ is switched on and functions continuously, switching between signals from the dominant sensory organs*and finally linked to the memory through “THE MIND”.
Therefore, ‘the Process of Thinking’ or ‘the Thinking Process’ including issuance of commands is ‘the task’ assigned to the organ described herein as ‘The Processor’ and the putative element called the mind manifests in ‘one’s consciousness’ due to the continuous functioning of ‘The Processor’.
Irrespective of whether the action of ‘The Processor’ is regulated, therefore, progresses along paths predetermined as with ‘the Process of Thinking’ or otherwise, drifting picking up signals at random by the voltage released on to “THE MIND” by the recepts as with ‘the thinking process’, the mind is a misconception of the process. The mind therefore, is a putative element in the system called ‘life’.