Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera attended the Goa Maritime Conclave (GMC) –2023 hosted by the Indian Navy for the fourth time, under the aegis of Naval War College, Goa from October 29 to 31.
The theme for this year’s GMC was ‘Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean Region: Converting Common Maritime Priorities into Collaborative Mitigating Frameworks’.
Chiefs of Navies and Heads of Maritime Forces from 12 Indian Ocean Region countries including Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Comoros, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Myanmar, Seychelles, Singapore and Thailand participated in the fourth edition of the Goa Maritime Conclave.
The Keynote Address of the conclave was delivered by Defence Minister of India Shri Rajnath Singh and Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture Meenakshi Lekhi.
The conference offered a valuable platform for stakeholders to share ideas and work together to address a wide range of unlawful activities, including non-traditional maritime issues, in the Indian Ocean region.
Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera addressed the conference on the topic of ‘Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean Region: Converting Common Maritime Priorities into Collaborative Mitigating Frameworks – A Sri Lanka’s Perspective’. In the address, he said that the multifaceted challenges confronting the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), calling for unwavering vigilance and collaborative efforts.
Pointing to the intricate web of threats, he underscored the rising presence of non-State actors, transnational criminal organisations, and territorial disputes. Shedding light on the concerning surge in illicit arms trade and drug trafficking, the Commander highlighted the daunting task of policing the expansive ocean.
Moreover, he articulated the profound impact of climate-induced changes on island states, triggering internal and external displacements of coastal communities.
The Commander highlighted Sri Lanka’s commitment to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and advocated the collaborative, multilateral approach of the Sri Lanka Navy.
He also acknowledged the successes achieved in fostering partnerships with both regional and extra regional navies, particularly through conferences such as the Goa Maritime Conclave as well as the Galle Dialogue, hosted by the Sri Lanka Navy.
The Commander of the Navy also expressed his gratitude to the Chief of the Naval Staff India for extending an invitation to address this year’s conclave and congratulated him for the well organised event.
On the sidelines of GMC-2023, bilateral meetings were held among Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera and Chief of the Naval Staff India, Admiral R. Hari Kumar, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Western Naval Command India, Vice Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Eastern Naval Command India, Vice Admiral Rajesh Pendharkar and Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Naval Command India, Vice Admiral M.A. Hampiholi. Their discussions focused on several matters of mutual interests and bilateral nature, while highlighting the long-standing relationship between two countries.
The Navy Commander also explored the native advancements in the shipbuilding sector within the Indian Navy during this visit.
Participating in such conclaves within the maritime community inevitably opens avenues for stakeholders to strengthen mutual cooperation and international relations.