Computers / Laptops & Accessories
Asus Expertbook Core i3 Laptop for sale. Call for more information 0766778686.
Arms & Ammunition
Air Rifles to safeguard your crops from Monkeys, Simians, Giant Squirrels and other pest animals, with a warranty. Branch: RPL Puttalam & Colombo 05. 0112513151, 0714-513887, 0714513888.
Thomas and Sons Importers, and Manufacturers of Air-Rifles. Professionals for Firearm repairs. We manufacture guns according to the Customer’s requirements with a 5 year warranty from Rs. 42,500/= upwards. Guns can be purchased only from Kadawatha. 0114361961 / 0115737777 / 0777319250 / 0777079250.
Books & Magazines
Need to give up donate, downsize or sell (wholesale) your personal library, homes visited. Contact : 0777745600
Miscellaneous for Sale
Borella Cemetery in Anglican Section 9’x 6’ block is for sale. 0773882290.
Charity organization which helps the elderly and orphaned needs an independent house for an office / retirement home close to a city. Donations are welcome. F. De Almeida, No. 31, Fairline Rd, Dehiwala. 0774309917. Email:
Antiques & Collectors Items
Woodcut Paintings (two) of Richard Gabriel (1924-2016) for sale. Contact Tel. 0712340057 / 0774694799.
Philatelic & Coins
Old Ceylon Currency Notes for sale. 1870 Oriental Bank 10 Rupees , 1952 Queen Elizabeth 50 Rupees and all types of notes up to 1994 are available. Nugegoda. 0772819425.