The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) will hold the seventh Great HR Quiz, showcasing the expertise of workplace professionals in Human Resources, at Hotel Galadari on Wednesday, November 29.
Being the brainchild of the past president of CIPM, Rohitha Amarapala, the quiz made its debut in 2014 and has since evolved into a prominent fixture in Sri Lanka’s HR sector.
Anticipated to be more impactful this year, the event is expected to draw the participation of approximately sixty-five companies.
Setting the seventh Great HR Quiz apart is its endorsement by international bodies such as NIPM-India and PSHRM-Pakistan.
President of CIPM, Ken Vijayakumar outlined the event’s objectives, foremost among which is the aspiration to elevate knowledge, skills, and practices in the realm of HR. The quiz serves as a platform for the practical application of theoretical knowledge, fostering heightened awareness among HR professionals regarding contemporary socio-political contexts, sports, and other interconnected domains.
Participation demands rigorous research and a commitment to staying abreast of industry developments, offering an intellectually enriching experience for all attendees.
Vijayakumar underscored the event’s role in fostering positive interactions among HR professionals, deeming it an ideal platform for professional and personal development.
The registration closed yesterday.
The quiz will be conducted as a ‘Live’ table quiz presented digitally to ensure efficiency and transparency. The CIPM has implemented measures to guarantee fairness, including the appointment of independent judges and the curation of questions by an impartial panel to maintain the utmost confidentiality and integrity of the competition.