Budget Vehicles for Sale
Daihatsu 16-850cc Coure-auto Rs. 875,000/= 14-1000cc Charade Rs. 675,000/= 12-1400cc flat light Rs. 875,000, 4-1300 VW Rs. 950,000/=. Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicles Wanted
Car needed for rent for family use. Budget Rs. 45000 per month. Monthly only 1500 kms. Battaramulla. 0772376365.
Wanted all kinds of cars, vans, jeeps, cabs immediately without driver on hire basis for the use of government/public institutes. Initial payments and many relief packages. Government Registered No. WC18880. Pannipitiya, Kandy, Matara. 011-2846026.