Musical Instruments / Pianos for Sale
Double reed Indian Serpina Rs. 65000/= records containing Sinhala Songs are available for sale. Contact only genuine buyers. Nugegoda. 0112815226, 0711380656.
Arms & Ammunition
Air Rifles, to safeguard your valuable crops from Monkeys, Simians, Giant Squarrels and other pest animals, manufactured with highest quality standard brands from Europe and China, with a warranty, user handling demos and exceptional after sales service. RPL Colombo. Branch : Puttalam 0112 513 151, 0714 513 887, 0714 513 888.
W.Thomas and Sons Importers and Manufacturers of Air-Rifles. Professionals for Firearm repairs. We manufacture Guns according to the Customer’s requirements with a 5 year warranty from Rs. 42500/= upwards. Guns can be purchased only from Kadawatha. 0114361961 / 0115737777 / 0777319250 / 0777079250.
Household Items & Elect. Appliances for Sale
Slightly used Panasonic Inverter double door new fridge for sale. 0112712710, 0779158743. Dehiwala.
Miscellaneous for Sale
Borella Cemetery in Anglican Section 9’x 6’ block is for sale. 0773882290.
Antiques & Collectors Items
Sale and repairing of typewriters, roneo machines, antique radios. radiograms, gramophones, V.H.S. record players, commercial electronics, Galpotta Junction, Naiwala Road, Udugampola, Gampaha. 071-4733689 / 077-5558590 / 076-0713689.