Budget Vehicles for Sale
Daihatsu 16-850cc Coure-auto Rs. 875,000/= 14-1000cc Charade Rs. 675,000/= 12-1400cc flat light Rs. 875,000, 4-1300 VW Rs. 950,000/=. Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicles Hire / Lease Services
Reputed Tourist Company requires Cars / Vans without the Driver on long term lease basis for the transportation of Tourists. 031-2266209, 0770278228.
Vehicles Wanted
Wanted all kinds of cars, vans, jeeps, cabs immediately without driver on hire basis for the use of government/public institutes. Initial payments and many relief packages. Government Registered No. WC18880. Pannipitiya, Kandy, Matara. 011-2846026.