Veteran journalist and former Chief Administrative Officer (Editorial) of Lake House Rohana Aryaratne (80) passed away following a brief illness. Rohana had a long career in journalism serving as a sub-editor and Foreign News Editor of the Daily News for more than 37 years before being appointed as CAO. He also served as an editorial consultant for Lake House publications for a few years.
Rohana, an alumnus of Sri Palee College, Horana and the University of Kelaniya, joined Lake House soon after graduation. He was known for his extensive knowledge of international developments and relations and he mentored many novice journalists during his long career.
Rohana kept a diligent watch on the foreign news wires and was well-known for his unbridled enthusiasm and penchant for hard work. He kept the editor and the news editor apprised of the latest developments in global affairs and suggested the best foreign news stories for page one and opinion pieces for the op-ed pages.
Rohana is survived by his wife and one son. His funeral took place on Friday in Horana.