Continuous heavy rains have spared the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) from resorting to costly fuel power generation, CEB spokesman and Deputy General Manager Eng. Noel Priyantha told the Sunday Observer yesterday.
Priyantha said that the nation’s rain inflow, almost 400 Giga Watt hours, have paved the way to reduce electricity generation costs.
Highlighting the positive impact of the heavy rainfall on hydro power generation, Priyantha said, this advantageous hydro inflow data will be presented to the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) at the upcoming CEB-PUCSL meetings.
He said this could lead to a favourable tariff structure for consumers.
“We were able to save costs which we would have otherwise been spent on expensive fuel-generated electricity due to the heavy rains,” he said.
“We are not permitted to keep any profit surpluses. This is a cost-reflective tariff – we charge only the cost,” he said.
“With the upcoming tariff submission incorporating the hydro inflow data, there is a possibility that electricity tariffs may witness a downward trend,” he said.