Toyota Cars for Sale
Toyota Vitz 2000 Auto dark Blue 32 Lakhs. 0761772239.
Nissan Cars for Sale
Nissan Sport car for sale. 27/4, 4th Lane, Ratmalana. 077 6544617.
Vans for Sale
Toyota Liteace CM35, 53-xxxx, highroof, dual purpose, power steering, 4 wheel drive, 5 door newly painted & upholstered, registered 1992, excellent condition (No brokers). 35 lakhs negotiable. 0718306675, 0742775517.
Jeeps & Pickups for Sale
252-7xxx Mitsubishi brand new 1998 A/C 4WD canopy 2500cc second owner. 076-2613173 Divulapitiya.
Vehicles Wanted
Cars, Vans, Jeeps, Cabs without the driver are required immediately on rent basis to be deployed in Govt. and Private Sector institutions, upfront payment and number concessionery packages. Govt. Registration No. WC-18880, Pannipitiya – Kandy – Matara. 0112-846026.
M/Cycles & T/Wheelers for Sale
10 Sri 6xxx 1979 brand new third owner 185cc – 75,000/- Divulapitiya. 076-2613173.