The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has begun 2024 by underlining its commitment to sustainability – symbolically as well as literally.
The Commercial Bank logo in blue and will hereafter also feature a green element, representing the Bank’s multifaceted commitment to sustainability, encompassing diversity, inclusivity, good governance, transparency, social equity, accountability and eco-friendly banking solutions, a bank official said.
Commercial Bank Managing Director/CEO Sanath Manatunge said, “Our commitment to sustainability isn’t just a buzzword,it’s ingrained in our DNA, influencing our decisions, actions and the services we offer.”
“We are a sustainable bank in everything we do, and the first organisationin Sri Lanka to proclaim that commitment in its corporate identity, and we want all our stakeholders, from employees, customers, shareholders and business partners, to see that at first glance.
“The new logo reflects our dedication to total sustainability in all spheres of our operations and our practical commitment to the way we do business; from paperless transactions, responsible compliance practices, and energy-efficient operations,” he said.
The Bank follows a sustainability strategy and blueprint as a guiding principle for its sustainability activities.