Budget Vehicles for Sale
R-Sports 12-1400cc F-Light Rs. 850,000/=, 14-1000cc Charade Rs. 675,000/=, 16-850cc Auto Coure Rs. 850,000/= 4-1300VW Rs. 950,000/=. Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicles Wanted
Cars, Vans, Jeeps, Cabs without the driver are required immediately on rent basis to be deployed in Govt. and Private Sector institutions, upfront payment and number concessionery packages. Govt. Registration No. WC-18880, Pannipitiya – Kandy – Matara. 0112-846026.
Motor Spares & Accessories for Sale
RD 28 Nissan 6 cylinder engine in running condition with gear box is for sale. LKR 250,000/- negotiable. 0776-741628.