Honda Cars for Sale
Honda car GP 5 silver colour year 2015 original condition, 2nd owner, 75000 k.m. 0770192827.
Budget Vehicles for Sale
R-Sports 12-1400cc F-Light Rs. 850,000/=, 14-1000cc Charade Rs. 675,000/=, 16-850cc Auto Coure Rs. 850,000/= 4-1300VW Rs. 950,000/=. Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicles Hire / Lease Services
Available vehicle for rent selfdrive BMW-X1, Audi-A3 (2018), Prado-150 (2015), Montero (2015), diesel, Outlander Phev (2015), Honda CRV (2009), Premio, Axio, Prius Aqua, Wagon-R, Alto (2015) available immediately. Contact on – 0760 713 792.
Vehicles Wanted
All makes of cars, vans, jeeps, cabs are required immediately on rent basis to be used in Govt and private sector without the driver. Lump sum payments and number of concessionary packages. Govt registration No.: WC-18880 Pannipitiya, Kandy, Matara. 011-2846026.
Wanted vehicles for rent reputed company Directors / Executives need selfdrive Prado-150, BMW-X1, BMW-318, BMW-520D, Audi-Q3, Montero Sport, Outlander, E’clipse, 4×4 double cab, DFSK, Vezel, Premio, Axio, Prius, Grace, Aqua, Wagon-R, Alto urgently, 50% of the servicing bill provided. Contact : 0760 713 792.