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AI and human factor integration in the sales process

by malinga
January 28, 2024 1:06 am 0 comment 92 views

Personal selling, traditionally described as face-to-face interactions and relationship-building, remains a crucial component of many industries. The human touch, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills of sales professionals are often irreplaceable in sales scenarios, even when Artificial Intelligence (AI) controls many other things. Yet, the sales landscape continues to evolve with technological advancements, including AI, which have introduced new dynamics to the personal selling process.

There is no doubt that AI can handle computer-based information flow and automated calls. However, the depth created by meaningful, face-to-face interactions cannot be replaced. Material created through AI cannot visit a customer personally, extend a warm greeting, or offer a cheerful gesture that conveys genuineness. Empathic interrelationships can only be created through human interactions. Hence, in essence, while technology can enhance the sales process, the human factor is irreplaceable, and the human touch remains unchanged in most situations.

Research reveals that emotional connection is the most influential factor in customer loyalty. Although artificial intelligence can support the selling process by analysing related customer data faster, it cannot reproduce the human intuition or sincerity a human can produce. Human salespeople offer a level of emotional intelligence that machines cannot replicate.

It is an accepted fact that empathy and understanding conveyed through a friendly smile and a friendly disposition are crucial in sales. It is also a fact that AI can alter sales models. However, advancing technology is only a tool that can be used sparingly at the right time and is not a total replacement for human interaction.

For example, an email marketing campaign powered by generative AI technology may reduce time spent manually crafting each email. However, without a well-thought-out plan devised by empathic humans, the campaign may appear artificial from the customer’s perspective. Customers might start doubting such messages and likely distance themselves from the sender.

There are many elements that make human engagement essential in sales. Building trust and rapport are two such critical aspects. Human representatives possess emotional intelligence, intuition, and empathy, which are challenging for AI to duplicate. A salesman’s proficiency to understand subtle buying signs, manage emotional obstacles, and establish meaningful relationships is outstanding in sales situations.

Human decision-makers

Although AI systems excel at processing large amounts of data quickly, human decision-makers contribute expertise in the relevant field and make ethical judgements in a business situation. Human representatives excel at navigating these complexities, understanding the unique needs of each customer, and tailoring solutions accordingly.

Ethical considerations often play a significant role in sales. Humans can weigh moral and ethical implications, make the most appropriate value-based decisions, and sail through situations that require ethical judgment. AI lacks the inherent ethical understanding that humans possess.

Selling is an exceedingly subjective exercise that is invariably performed by skilled people. It often involves on-the-spot problem-solving and innovative thinking. Humans can adapt to unique situations, think outside the box, and come up with creative solutions. Although AI can analyse historical data, it may struggle with truly novel or unprecedented situations that require inventive thinking in a complex sales scenario.

In a dynamic business, unpredictable and unanticipated problems can surface without warning. These sudden situations require adaptability. In such situations, human representatives can adapt to unforeseen circumstances, adjust strategies spontaneously, and respond to volatile shifts in customer behaviour or market conditions. This adaptability is a human strength that AI may find difficult to produce in a sales transaction.

Automation has its place in modern sales processes. There is no argument or dilemma about that. Its predictive analytics, or natural language processing, can optimise sales processes. However, finding harmony between artificial intelligence and the irreplaceable qualities offered by real-life humans is of paramount importance in the current sophisticated markets.

The incorporation of AI tools brings many benefits to sales processes. Yet, it presents various challenges that must be addressed with caution by companies. Understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial for the successful and ethical implementation of AI in sales processes.

Artificial intelligence is most often involved in analysing customer and market-related data.

Maintaining privacy and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations are paramount. Hence, organisations need strong cyber security measures, clear data policies, and a comprehensive two-way communication flow with customers about how their data will be used.

Also, ethical considerations are crucial when deploying AI in sales. Biases in algorithms, discriminatory practices, or unethical data sourcing can lead to unintended consequences and damage an organisation’s reputation. Establishing ethical guidelines for AI use and regular monitoring must be deployed for fairness and bias, which is important to establish better market credibility.

Do Sri Lankan customers trust artificial intelligence? In this writer’s opinion, they do not entirely rely on AI yet. Despite the many benefits, Sri Lankan customers, unlike in the western world, still harbour mistrust towards AI systems as the technology is still emerging.

Nevertheless, it is important for Sri Lankan companies, large, medium, or small, to implement AI in sales and marketing to build customer trust. They must make conscious efforts to inform customers about the role of AI in providing them with more accurate data.

The general opinion of experts in sales processes is that AI and human factors must coexist. Salespeople will not become obsolete for the reasons discussed earlier in the article. Currently, even the most efficient salespeople use data and information from AI to improve their chances of closing deals.

Focus less on manual things

Smart salespeople have already seen the benefits of integrating AI into their sales processes. By doing this, they have fewer manual things to do and can instead focus their attention on human-to-human interactions.

The future of personal selling lies in a synergistic relationship between human representatives and AI technologies. Rather than viewing AI as a replacement, it should be seen as a powerful tool that enhances human capabilities. Successful sales strategies will likely involve a strategic integration of AI to streamline processes, analyse data, and automate routine tasks, allowing human representatives to focus on what they do best—building relationships, understanding customer needs, and making nuanced decisions.

AI has neither completely replaced human involvement in sales, nor will it do so in the foreseeable future. AI has, however, transformed various aspects of the sales process, offering automation, data-driven insights, and enhanced efficiency. The human element remains crucial, particularly in areas requiring emotional intelligence, creativity, and complex decision-making.

The most successful approach involves strategically integrating AI into personal selling to augment human capabilities, creating a harmonious balance between technological advancements and the unique strengths of human representatives. As the landscape continues to evolve, businesses that navigate this integration effectively are likely to thrive in the dynamic world of sales.

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