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Time for a unified political front – Manusha Nanayakkara

by malinga
January 28, 2024 1:05 am 0 comment 856 views

Higher remittances a major boost to economy:
Discussions underway on overseas voting for expats:
Safety of workers in Israel assured:

Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment, Manusha Nanayakkara delves into the intricacies of critical matters shaping the nation’s foreign relations and economic landscape in this interview with the Sunday Observer.

Minister Nanayakkara provides insights into the surge in remittances, the evolving dynamics of overseas employment, and the challenges faced in maintaining a delicate diplomatic balance, especially in regions marked by conflict. He also shares his perspective on the upcoming presidential election and the strategic alliances envisaged.

Excerpts from the interview:

Q:There has been an increase in the inflow of remittances by expatriates through legal channels in recent times. What do you attribute for this positive contribution to our economy?

A:The recent surge in foreign remittances has been a pivotal factor in bolstering our economy, especially considering that it was below 20 percent in recent times. This influx has been instrumental in addressing critical shortages of essential goods like fuel and medicine. The shift from illegal money transfer methods to legal channels reflects a restoration of trust among expatriates.

We issued permits to migrant workers based on their remittance contributions, specifically for importing electric vehicles.

We implemented various incentives to encourage legal remittances, and our Ministry introduced measures that resulted in additional tax incomes. Despite initial reservations from the Treasury, President Ranil Wickremesinghe personally intervened, further demonstrating his interest.

These permits underwent a meticulous vetting process, involving relevant State institutions and banks, ensuring that only those meeting the required criteria received approval. Remarkably, even expatriates who initially had reservations about sending money back home are now purchasing vehicles. A good number of vehicles have already been imported under this scheme.

In the past year, our Ministry facilitated the dispatch of over 300,000 foreign workers, strategically sending them to countries known for higher salaries and other perks.

While traditional export crops such as tea, coconut, and rubber have historically contributed significantly to foreign remittances, the current surge is primarily attributed to remittances from foreign workers. The Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment takes credit for this shift, heralding a resurgence in our economic strength.

Q:Is there any possibility of getting voting rights from their overseas stations without coming down to Sri Lanka for Sri Lankan expatriates?

A:Discussions are currently underway within the Election Commission to explore the feasibility of granting voting rights to Sri Lankan expatriates from their overseas stations. The aim is to streamline the voting process and allow expatriates to participate in the electoral system without the necessity of physically returning to Sri Lanka. While this matter is not under my direct purview, it is a significant consideration, and efforts are being made to include expatriates in the democratic process.

Q:There is a controversy over the sending workers to Israel in the light of the war in Gaza and the fears expressed by Palestine that Sri Lankan workers could be used to rebuild areas in Gaza and West Bank occupied by Israel. What are the steps being taken to ensure the safety of our workers there and also address the concerns expressed by Palestine?

A:Firstly, I want to clarify that no Sri Lankan workers are currently in Palestine territory, and we have no plans to send workers there. In the war-torn Gaza Strip, there are no Sri Lankan workers – I can responsibly affirm that. While there were a few families in Gaza, they have been removed from the Gaza Strip. Presently, we are sending 10,000 workers for the agricultural sector and 20,000 for the construction sector, but none will be destined for the Gaza Strip or the West Bank.

To address concerns about safety, we have established evacuation plans to ensure our readiness in case of any problems. Our close communication with embassies further enhances our ability to respond effectively to any situation.

It is crucial to note that our engagement with Israel is limited to maintaining existing foreign connections. Despite some attempting to disrupt these connections for political reasons, we adhere to a non-aligned policy with Israel.

President Wickremesinghe has unequivocally stated his stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict, asserting that Palestine should be considered as a separate country and that legal recognition should be given to that effect within the next five years. However, when it comes to sending migrant workers, our policy is distinct. We prioritise the safety of our workers, and if the conditions guarantee their well-being, we proceed with the deployment.

Q:Saudi Arabia has announced a reduction in the fees for recruiting domestic workers from several countries, including the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia. What is the impact of this move by the largest employer of Sri Lankan workers in the Middle East?

A:The impact of Saudi Arabia’s reduction in recruitment fees depends on demand and supply dynamics. If the remuneration for our workers is not satisfactory, we are open to exploring alternative destinations. Personally, I am not inclined to send our workers as domestic workers; I prefer avenues such as caregivers, caretakers, or nurses for our workforce. Efforts are underway to decrease the deployment of Sri Lankan individuals as domestic workers.

Our focus is on ensuring that our workers are paid fairly and that their well-being is prioritised in their respective work environments. This approach aligns with our aim to improve the working conditions and opportunities for our expatriate workforce.

Q:You have already endorsed President Ranil Wickremesinghe as a common candidate for the Presidential Election 2024. Why President Wickremesinghe? And do you think many others from the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) will join your side as the election date comes closer?

A:President Wickremesinghe is not the common candidate – he is the national candidate. It’s essential to clarify that it is not only the SJB, many other parties will join our cause. The choice of President Wickremesinghe is not a matter of ‘why him,’ but rather he is the individual best suited to lead the country at this critical juncture. If people can set aside their political spectacles, it becomes evident that he is the one who took on the challenges of steering this nation.

This marks President Wickremesinghe’s first term as President, and he is effectively managing the country. In a scenario where no one else was willing to navigate the complexities, he stepped up as the sole brave individual committed to reviving the nation.

Q:Do you perceive the National People’s Power (NPP) and the SJB as major threats to President Wickremesinghe if he decides to contest the election? And will your alliance with SLPP still hold for General and Presidential Elections?

A:While some people may perceive the NPP and the SJB as major threats, I personally do not view them as significant challenges to President Wickremesinghe.

Regarding alliances, there won’t be one per se; our focus is on a national candidate approach. Anyone joining the Presidential Election with us will continue to stand united for the General Elections.

It is essential to emphasize that our aim is to go for a unified front under a national banner. This ensures that the collective efforts of all those participating in the Presidential Election will seamlessly extend to the broader context of General Elections, which is a more grassroots exercise.

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