The 138th birth anniversary commemoration of Lake House founder D. R. Wijewardene who rendered a yeoman service for Buddhist renaissance and national Independence will be held at the Lake House premises on February 21 and 22.
The all-night pirith chanting ceremony will commence on February 21 at 9.00 pm with the participation of bhikkhus of Sri Sambuddhaloka Vihara, Fort and the Hunupitiya Gangarama temple. The procession to usher in bhikkhus for the all-night pirith chanting will leave the Sambuddhaloka Vihara at 8.45 pm.
The pirith chanting will be telecast and broadcast live on the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC) and the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC).
The alms-giving for 25 bhikkhus will be held at the Lake House premises at noon on February 22.