Circle A, B, C or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.
1. Literal
A. word for word
B. found in books
C. able to read and write
D. laid end to end
2. Rectify
A. to break
B. to build
C. to make right
D. to explain
3. Remuneration
A. mediation
B. payment
C. warning
D. praise
4. Aperture
A. alcoholic drink
B. end of journey
C. feeling worried
D. small hole or space
5. Ire
A. dream
B. anger
C. slowness
D. happiness
6. Amenities
A. comforts
B. hostilities
C. jokes
D. gifts
7. Periphrastic
A. academic
B. insulting
C. roundabout
D. direct
8. Glitch
A. small car
B. malfunction
C. computer component
D. brilliant light
9. Explicate
A. to run quickly
B. to split
C. to use selfishly
D. to explain
10. Modish
A. fashionable
B. temperamental
C. snobbish
D. wishy-washy
11. Deduce
A. to undermine
B. to lead astray
C. to reach a conclusion
D. to subtract
12. Insouciant
A. rude
B. carefree
C. kind
D. jealous
13. Crescent
A. top of a mountain
B. ornamental feather
C. debt
D. shape of the new moon
14. Lateral
A. twisting
B. sideways
C. confused
D. slanted
15. Pedagogue
A. doctor
B. musician
C. teacher
D. dancer
16. Disconcert
A. to be unmusical
B. to be upset
C. to change one’s mind
D. to be rude
17. Dally
A. to decorate
B. to be indecisive
C. to waste time
D. to find fault
18. Preternatural
A. unusual
B. formal
C. informal
D. ancient
19. Sinecure
A. embarrassing situation
B. wonder drug
C. predicament
D. job with no duties
20. Profess
A. to declare openly
B. to prove
C. to suggest
D. to teach
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. D
20. A
10 – 14 Correct: Good
15 – 17 Correct: Excellent
18 – 20 Correct: Exceptional