Machinery / Tools
Steam Boiler wanted wood or furnace oil capacity 1500, 2000. Contact : 0776285296.
Arms & Ammunition
Air Rifles to safeguard you valuable crops from Monkeys, Simians, Giant Squirrels and other pest animals, Brands from Europe and China. With a warranty. 0.177 / 0.22 Cal. RPL Colombo, Puttalam. 0112513151, 0714513887, 0714513888.
Thomas & Sons manufacturing and importation of Air-Rifles, professional repairers of Shot Guns and manufacturing excellent Air-Rifles according to the needs of local farmers, Rs. 49500/= upwards. Air-Rifles to the Customers without Agents at concessionary rates without Agents with the guarantee. 0114361961, 0115737777, WhatsApp – 0777319250, 0777079250.
Philatelic & Coins
Local and foreign stamps, coins, old notes are for sale. Inquire for purchasing. Malcolm Perera, Silva Place, Pannipitiya. 0713138308.