Several needy families in Pilimathalawa and Handunmulla received rice packs through a donation made by Buddhist families from Singapore, in memory of the 100th day of the passing away of Madam Ang Siew.
The distribution of rice packs took place at the Lankathilaka Raja Maha Vihara, Pilimathalawa, Kandy, and at the WelegamaTemple premises at Haldummulla.
The distribution of rice packs to the needy families was organised on the directive of Ven. Yatamalaga Sumanasaara Thera, the Executive Director of Dhamma Voice – Dhaham Handa International of Pattivila and assisted by Ven. Bhikkuni An Dieu of Vietnam. Here the distribution of rice packs in the presence of Ven. Amunugama Vipassi Thera, the Chief Incumbent of the Lankathilaka Maha Vihara and Ven. Yatamalaga Sumanasaara Thera.