Sunday, June 30, 2024

Celebrating International Yoga Day

Breathe, Stretch and Smile

by damith
June 23, 2024 1:08 am 0 comment 480 views

Hello, little yogis!

On June 21, people all around the world celebrated somethingreally special—International Yoga Day! It’s a day dedicated to the wonderful practice of yoga.

But what is yoga, and why do we celebrate it? Let’s find out together!

What is Yoga?

Yoga is like a magical exercise that started in India thousands of years ago. It’s a mix of cool poses, breathing exercises, and a quiet time for your mind. Imagine becoming a tree, a butterfly, or even a warrior just by doing some fun movements. That’s what yoga is all about!

Why is Yoga great for children?

1. It’s Lots of Fun

Yoga is like playing a game. You can pretend to be animals, shapes, and other cool things. How about trying the “Downward Dog” or the “Tree Pose”? They’re fun and easy to do!

2. Keeps You Strong and Healthy

Doing yoga helps your body become strong and flexible. It’s like giving your muscles a big stretch, making you feel great and ready for anything!

3. Helps You Stay Calm

Sometimes we feel a little too excited or worried, right? Yoga can help calm your mind. By focusing on your breathing and doing gentle poses, you can feel more relaxed and happy.

4. Makes You Feel Happy

Yoga is a great way to boost your mood. When you do Yoga, your body releases happy chemicals that make you feel cheerful and bright!

How did people celebrate International Yoga Day?

1. Joining Yoga Classes

Lots of children and adults joined Yoga classes at schools, community centres, and even online. It was a fun way to learn new poses and meet new friends.

2. Doing Yoga with Family

Many families did Yoga together. It was a fantastic way to spend time together and enjoy some giggles trying out different poses.

3. Yoga in Nature

Some people took their Yoga mats to parks or gardens. Doing Yoga outside is fun and helps you enjoy the fresh air and nature.

4. Learning New Poses

Children challenged themselves to learn new Yoga poses. There are lots of books and videos that can show you how. Maybe you discovered a new favorite pose too!

Fun Yoga poses to try

* Cat-Cow Stretch:

Get on your hands and knees. Arch your back up like a scared cat,then dip it down like a cow. Moo and meow while you do it for extra fun!

* Child’s Pose:

Kneel on the floor, sit back on your heels, and stretch your arms forward on the ground. It’s like a cozy little nap for your body.

* Cobra Pose:

Lie on your tummy, put your hands under your shoulders, and gently lift your chest up. Hiss like a snake while you do it!

Remember, Yoga isn’t about being perfect. It’s about having fun, moving your body, and feeling good. So, even though International Yoga Day has passed, you can keep celebrating by practising Yoga every day. Roll out your Yoga mat, take a deep breath, and get ready for a Yoga adventure. Happy belated International Yoga Day, everyone!

Namaste! (That’s how we say hello and goodbye in Yoga!)

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