This is an unforgettable day for Sujathians to share
Because the pathway to their triumph was laid and begun there
A glimpse into Sujatha Vidyalaya’s historic past
Reflects the honoured and valuable service rendered vast
Sujatha Vidyalaya spanning over five decades and more
It is Linton Kuruppu, Founder and Architect that opened the door
In those far-gone days when things were not easy
To build up Sujatha to great heights was also not easy
Success required hard work and much attention
To make it a rising college was his main intention
Located now in Nugegoda and few other places, this citadel of wisdom
In the true sense of the word is for knowledge, a kingdom
Both father and son spilt their energy and sweat
To make Sujatha what it is today, well lit
Above all credit goes to expertise and commitment
Of the present MD and his way of intellectual management
Judged by the ability to contribute to education
Sujatha Vidyalaya holds a good and a bold reputation
Discipline was manifested in one and every activity
As if to give proper training to serve humanity
Buddhist spirit, culture, grandeur and atmosphere
Enabled them to play an active role in every sphere
Celebration of the Golden Jubilee fell on August 2015
Nine years have flown past since the event of
high esteem
“Sujathian Walk” to BRC grounds was a major attraction
Many distinguished guests graced the grand occasion
The Sujatha Walk was a forward march in every sense
Where history was created in a special sense
Past Principals, teachers and pupils did take part
Offering their blessings with a sincere heart
It was a day filled with entertainment, enjoyment and glamour
Where history was unfolded conferring due honour
“The 50 Years of Nation Building” Magazine of the Golden Jubilee
Is a reflection of the smooth journey, made uphill daily
Sujatha exerts a vital influence and plays a vital role
In the life of students in Sri Lanka and across the globe
Sujatha will be looking forward to 2025
When they would be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee
The Diamond Jubilee will open in history a new page
Bringing back to memory, the past heritage
Long live Sujatha Vidyalaya –
May it grow from strength to strength
Rupa Banduwardena
Melbourne, Australia