A new circular will be issued tomorrow, June 24 to rectify the shortcomings of the circular related to the admission of students to Grade One of Government schools and confirming equal access opportunities in education.
The circular presented by Education Minister Susil Premajayantha was approved by the Cabinet on June 20.
The new circular states that even if a child does not have a birth certificate, if there are documents confirming the acceptable age, that child should be included so that they do not suffer any injustice.
Section 2.1 of the circular states that through some admissible evidence, the children who do not have a birth certificate and are less than five years of age and who produce an age certificate shall not be treated unfairly or prejudiced.
The amendment made to Section 6.2.5 states that “Children of one’s own child or grandchild/granddaughter or one’s/wife’s brothers and sisters” shall be amended as “Children of one’s/spouse’s brothers and sisters”.
A spokesperson of the Ministry said that several other amendments will be made rectifying the shortcomings of the previous circulars taking into consideration various ideas and suggestions. According to the new circular, applicants cannot commit irregularities.