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Brush up on your Grammar

by jagath
June 30, 2024 1:09 am 0 comment 148 views

30Prepositions Part 15


A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else. There are over 100 prepositions in English. This is a very small number compared with the vast number of nouns, adjectives and verbs found in English. Here are some of the prepositions used in English:

Attribute to

To believe or say that a situation or event is caused by something.

The fall in the number of deaths from heart diseases is generally attributed to improvements in diet.

Attuned to

To be or become familiar with the way someone thinks or behaves so that you can react to them in a suitable way.

Sara is trying to get attuned to other people’s moods.

Audition for

To take part in an audition

Susan is auditioning for Ophelia in ‘Hamlet.’

Augur for

To be a sign that something will be successful or unsuccessful.

Your graduation augurs well for your career.

Auspices of

With the help and support of a particular organisation or person.

Peace negotiations were held under the auspices of the United Nations.

Authority over / to

The power you have because of your official position.

Only the President has the authority to declare war.

Many countries claim authority over the small island.

Avail of

To accept an offer or use an opportunity to do something.

Many schools are ready to avail themselves of the benefits of modern technology.

Available for / from

Something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found.

Tickets are available from the box office.

No figures are available for the number of goods sold.

On average

Based on a calculation about how many times something usually happens, how much money someone usually gets.

On average men still earn more than women.

Aversion to

A strong dislike of something or someone.

Thelma has an aversion to housework.

Avid for

Journalists are avid for sensational stories.

Awaken by

To wake up or make someone wake up.

I was awakened by a noise.

Note: In everyday English, people usually use ‘wake up’ rather than ‘awaken.’

Susan was woken up by the phone ringing.

Award to

To officially give someone something such as a prize or money to reward them for something they have done.

A Nobel Prize was awarded to him.

Aware of

If you are aware that a situation exists, you realise or know that it exists.

Most children are not aware of the danger of taking drugs.

Awash with

Covered with water or another liquid.

All the roads leading to the capital were awash with flood water.

Back onto

If a building backs onto something, its back faces it.

The new building backs onto the old market.

Background to

The situation or past events that explain why something happens in the way that it does.

I did not know the background to the case.

Backlog of

A large amount of work that you need to complete.

It will take a long time to clear the backlog.

Bad for / at

Smoking is bad for your health.

I’m really bad at chess.

Badge of

The badge is a small piece of metal, cloth or plastic with a picture or words on it, worn to show rank. It also means membership of a group or support for a political idea.

Mayors wear chains around their necks as badges of office.

Ball of

Something formed or rolled into a round shape.

Bring me a ball of string.

Balance on

To be in or get into a steady position without falling on one side or the other.

Roger turned round, balancing on one foot.

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