Budget Vehicles for Sale
4-1300 vw Buggy 950,000/=, 12-1400cc Lancer Sports 850,000/=, KE-2006 Indigo Marina 1,800,000/= Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Vehicle Wanted
All makes of cars, vans, jeeps and cabs are required immediately on rent basis without the Driver to be deployed in state and private sector. Lumpsum payment and lot of concessionary packages. Govt. Regulation Number WC 18880 – Pannipitiya, Kandy , Matara. 0112846026.
Cars with Drivers wanted for 24/7 operation at the Airport arrivals travel counter. English speaking and other languages bonus. Prius, Shuttle, Allion, Premio, KDH, NV 200, 2008 upwards. 0777-192884, 0777-588819.