Budget Vehicles for Sale
4-1300 vw Buggy 950,000/=, 12-1400cc Lancer Sports 850,000/=, KE-2006 Indigo Marina 1,800,000/= Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Buses & Lorries for Sale
LD 6000 series Ashok Leyland Ten Wheel 2 flat bed lorries, 3 1/2 cube LJ 8000 Series Leyland, LK 3000 Series Leyland, LE 9000 Series Tata, LK 3000 Series Tata Tippers available for sale to the highest offer. 79/6, St. Peter’s Road, Moratuwa. Tel. 0777762180.
Vehicles Wanted
All makes of cars, vans, jeeps, cabs are required immediately without the driver on rent basis to be deployed in state and private sector institutions, number of concessionary packages and upfront payments, Govt registration No. WC-18880 – Pannipitiya, Kandy, Matara. 011-2846026.
Auto gear car needed for rent for one year for family use, 1500 kms or less per month. Battaramulla. 0772376365.
Wanted a Mitsubishi Outlander for long lease for a reputed company. Please call 0773047603.