Electrical/Electronic Equipment
All branded front loading Washing Machine, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerator, A/C Tinkering Plant item repairs home visited. Grundig Services 0773898873, 0766759280, 0779026224.
Machinery/Tools for Sale
Hardly used Pharma Machines for sale, inspection by appointment. * CAD Mill, *Oscillating Granulator, *Dehumidifier, *Moisture Balance. Contact No : 0774542579.
Opticians / Equipments
Wickramarachchi Hearing Care offers the latest Swiss & German hearing aids with AI solutions, waterproof and rechargeable features. Visit any of our islandwide branches for a free hearing assessment, a free hearing aid trial and our best offers starting at LKR 55,000. Call 0112201700 for more information.
Arms & Ammunition
To safeguard your valuable crops from Monkeys, Simians, Giant Squirrels and other pest animals, manufactured with highest quality standard brands from Europe and China. With a warranty. 0.177 / 0.22 Cal. RP Colombo. Branch: Puttalam. 0112513151, 0714513887, 0714513888.
Thomas and Sons. Importers and manufacturers of air rifles professionals in shotgun repairing high quality airrifles manufactured to meet the requirements of local farmers from Rs. 49500/= upwards without agents to the customers at affordable prices with warranty. 011-4361961, 011-5737777, WhatsApp – 0777319250, 0777079250.
Valve Radio, Turntable, Radiogram, Gramophone, Typewriter, Tape Recorder repair, sale and exchange. Commercial Electronic, 48, Church Road, Gampaha. 0714733689 / 0775558590