The universe is made up of millions of solar systems. Among other solar systems we have our own one. It consists of the Sun and the eight planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the planets that are in our solar system.
It is believed that our solar system was formed about 4,600 million years ago by the combination of dust particles and gasses together. Every planet rotates around its own axis while revolving around the Sun. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are terrestrial planet while the others are giant planets.
The sun is the biggest and the hottest star in our solar system. Not only them Asteroids, Comet, Meteoroids, Dwarf planets and natural satellites of the planets belongs to the solar system.
The hottest planet – Venus
The coldest planet – Uranus
The biggest planet – Jupiter
The smallest planet – Mercury
The planet with life – Earth
Denuwana Dissanayake
Grade 8
Sussex College