Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL) held its ninth Annual General Meeting (AGM) and CEO Forum at the Galle Face Hotel on September 18, on the theme that resonated with the future of business: Redefining Global Business: Pioneering Sustainability for a Greener Tomorrow.
Leaders from Sri Lanka’s private sector were present.
The AGM commenced with a video showcasing BSL’s initiatives during the past reporting period. Mr Dilhan C. Fernando, Chairman of BSL, then led the AGM, outlining the significant accomplishments of the past year, including the expansion of BSL’s membership base and its pioneering efforts in biodiversity conservation.
Prominent leaders from the private sector, including Siddarth Hirdaramani, Dr. Lalith Weragoda, Dmitri Cooray, Ms. Anosha Koralage, were appointed to the Board of Directors representing the Patron and General members of the Platform while Prof. Sandun Perera replaced Dr Vidanage to represent the IUCN for the 2024/25 session.
The other members of the Board of Directors include Dilhan C. Fernando, Ms. Manori Dissanayake, as well as Ex-officio Director Ranjith Pandithage functioning also as the CEO. The newly appointed board reflects the growing commitment of the private sector towards sustainability. New partnerships were signed for BSL’s flagship Life to Our Ecosystems projects. Leading Companies including Amana Bank, Citizens Development Business Finance, Jetwing Hotels, Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company, and HNB committed to supporting ecosystem conservation efforts through ongoing initiatives focusing on mangroves, coral reef, and forest ecosystems.
The Sri Lanka Business and Biodiversity Platform (SLBBP) was initiated in August 2012 as a program of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC), by its founding partners – the CCC, Dilmah Conservation (DC) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
October 2015 saw the legal establishment of the SLBBP as a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee under the Sri Lanka Companies Act No. 07 of 2007, as well as the rebranding and relaunch of the platform by its current name – Biodiversity Sri Lanka (BSL).
As BSL continues to push the boundaries of corporate responsibility in Sri Lanka, the platform invites the private sector to join its mission, urging companies to recognise that biodiversity is not just a conservation issue – it’s a business imperative.