Prepositions Part 33
A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else. There are over 100 prepositions in English. This is a very small number compared with the vast number of nouns, adjectives and verbs found in English. Here are some of the prepositions used in English
Draw between
To compare two people or things and show how they are similar or different.
The author draws a comparison between East and West Germany.
Draw out
To take money from your bank account.
Jane has drawn Rs. 50,000 from her bank account.
Draw back
To move backwards, especially because you are frightened or surprised.
Ian peeped into the large container and drew back in horror.
Draw into
To make someone become involved in something, especially when they do not want to be involved.
Paul tried to draw Susan into conversation.
Draw up
To prepare a written document.
The contract to put up a new building was drawn up last year.
Dread of
A strong fear of something that is going to happen or may happen.
Mary lives in dread of the disease returning.
Dream of
A wish to do, be or have something, used especially when this seems unlikely.
Ann had dreams of going to university.
Dress for
To put clothes on yourself or someone else.
Muriel was dressed for dinner.
Dressed in
Having your clothes on or wearing a particular type of clothes.
Elizabeth was dressed in a sari.
Drill into
To keep telling someone something until they know it very well.
Mother had drilled into me not to talk to strangers.
Drink in
To look at, feel, or smell something in order to enjoy it.
Emma just sat there drinking in the beautiful atmosphere.
Drive to
To make a vehicle move along.
I am planning to drive to Badulla.
Drive away
To behave in a way that makes someone leave.
The boss wanted to drive the stranger away.
Drool at
To let saliva come out of your mouth.
The dog was drooling at the mouth.
Drop off
To fall suddenly onto the ground or into something.
Your shirt button has dropped off.
Drum against
To make a sound similar to a drum by hitting a surface again and again.
I could hear the rain drumming against the windows.
Due to
Expected to happen or arrive at a particular time.
They are due to fly to Italy.
Dwell in
To live in a particular place.
They dwelt in the forest.
Eager to
Very keen and excited about something that is going to happen.
I was eager to get back to work.
Earmark for
To decide that something will be used for a particular purpose or have something done to it in the future.
Some rural schools have been earmarked for closure due to lack of students.