The intensity of election-related tensions has shifted from the streets to the hearts of the people, Election Commissioner General Saman Sri Rathnayake said yesterday.
Rathnayake said this in response to our question about the peaceful environment in the election landscape, which lacked the typical intensity in the lead-up to the recent elections.
There was a marked drop in poll-related violence and election malpractices in the country’s election landscape since the enactment of the Regulation of Election Expenditure Act last year by the Commission, he said.
This law has had a significant impact on curbing the violence that often accompanied elections, he said.
“People have become more aware of their rights and the importance of democratic elections. They have understood that political rivalry need not spill over into physical confrontations on the streets.”
The drop in election violence is largely attributed to the introduction of campaign finance regulations, which now cap the amount politicians can spend on their campaigns.
This measure, he said, has prevented politicians from spending excessive amounts to sway supporters or incite violence and election law violations.