Circle A, B, C, or D that most accurately fits the meaning and check your answers with the key.
1. Roti
A. foolish person
B. blunt knife
C. wooden wheel
D. unleavened bread
2. Dacoit
A. armed robber
B. ancient monument
C. lost property
D. ornate library
3. Dharma
A. mild shock
B. good moral behaviour
C. energetic dance
D. dream
4. Nirvana
A. sleeping potion
B. screeching noise
C. state of spiritual bliss
D. rebirth
5. Avatar
A. jungle creature
B. imaginary friend
C. something found everywhere
D. deity’s appearance on earth
6. Cummerbund
A. street lined with shops
B. sash worn around waist
C. fishing gear
D. rare gem
7. Gymkhana
A. fitness instructor
B. heavy stone
C. horse-riding competition
D. worthy prize
8. Ghee
A. damp cloth
B. two-pronged fork
C. sweet dessert
D. clarified butter
9. Brahmin
A. priestly caste
B. holy mountain
C. embroidered dress
D. ruler
10. Dhoti
A. motorized bicycle
B. cloth wound around body
C. jeweled casket
D. ruined city
11. Pallid
A. lacking colour
B. smooth and glowing
C. gloomy and sad
D. submissive
12. Cumbersome
A. sluggish
B. unwieldy
C. obnoxious
D. diminutive
13. Raucous
A. vulgar
B. undercooked
C. loud and harsh
D. piercing
14. Cursory
A. mean
B. crafty
C. superficial
D. obscene
15. Clutch
A. keyhole
B. small cage
C. clue
D. cluster
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. D
10 – 12 Correct: Good
13 – 15 Correct: Excellent17