Emblem of Dictatorship
You are far-sighted,
diligent, straightforward, and sincere,
and your drive to eradicate malpractice
shines through in your noble pursuits.
You hold responsibility
to bring culprits to justice.
Though the journey is fraught with hardship,
your steadfast resolve stands as a beacon of hope.
You navigate through challenges
with unparalleled willpower,
yet the emblem of dictatorship
emerges when you voice your convictions.
With clairvoyance and perseverance,
you lead the sleuths with purpose.
Each moment spent observing your actions
reveals the power of true leadership.
— Sisira Desaman Kumara
The Gap
Different gaps! between you – And he are wide! Despite no limits for
His affection towards you – Thus always getting close day by day to you
It is stirring up every day and – Strengthening with reinforcement before you
It cannot be broken, and prevented – By anybody, any day with any bonds!
Yes! your ‘Mischievous-look’ enticed and – Developed more ‘Everlasting affection as
Such ‘Uttering –Eyes’ whispered clues – Sought relief, nobody read! other than him
Now you are living far away- Though his feelings towards you are very close.
He does not see you every day although – His imagination makes ‘Night dreams’ with you
Obviously, he doesn’t have any pain – Along with your memories makes pain for his heart
His ‘Wailing-Heart’ cries loudly, – Finding and asking for you! though obviously he is fine!
Distance! No issue for the heart – To fly and get close to another heart, thus it flies.
His ‘Scorching – Heart’ flies like chaff – to find! Your heart to live together forever and ever.
– Merril A. Perera