Sri Lanka is known as a country that provides labour. It’s our most enduring national export. But we are also known as the nation that encourages any type of foreign remittances. A massive number of Sri Lankans — perhaps a majority — would give anything to settle down abroad with family in a Western country, or in South Korea perhaps.
We in Sri Lanka have taken these proclivities for granted. We have encouraged them. Reason being that these nations have large populations of the Sri Lankan diaspora so-called, that remit money that keeps our economy ticking.
But this expectation of being bankrolled by a diaspora is a sellout. Yes, we are glad the money comes in at a time we most need it. But we should target to rid our country of the bad reputation as the nation that everyone wants to leave.
Any country that can live with such a bad rap is not self-respecting. This narrative of cheap labour has become the story of Sri Lanka, and no doubt there are two sides to it. Our political parties get a boost from diaspora support, and the Sinhala diaspora so-called was extremely engaged in this year’s elections.
Their support was mostly for the same party that Sri Lankans overwhelmingly voted for this year. This was a happy coincidence.
Those abroad saw things the same way those who are toiling here back at home did. One reason may be that in a strange way a large number of those who are here, are also trying their best to leave, so they too could hopefully contribute to the national effort from abroad.
But it’s delusional to think that all Sri Lankans want to contribute to the national effort from overseas. Most are merely ensuring that the relatives back home get a fair share. They are in effect remitting money to whom they think are less fortunate.
This is not a state of affairs we should hanker after. It is why this country should plan on replacing remittances as the number one foreign exchange source of the country.
Previous Governments largely didn’t lend their minds to it. If people went abroad and sent money, they were considered assets.
The fact that national pride was in tatters was never considered. That no country should be proud of the fact that its citizens for the most part want to live overseas, was not considered relevant. That most of the manpower “exported” abroad in this fashion is harassed, or feels harassed and exploited in their new domiciles, was also never considered.
Our national narrative cannot and should not be that we provide labour and know-how to the world. It is true that we have also exported brain-power with our doctors and engineers and scientists contributing to the GNP of Uber-rich nations. But that’s a small part of the equation. Most Sri Lankans who go abroad are low-paid workers or immigrants who provide low-cost labour to do the work that the citizens in rich countries are loathe to do themselves.
It is true that a magic wand cannot be waved and revenue sources created to replace the tidal wave of citizens leaving for better opportunities abroad, while incidentally helping to earn the much needed foreign exchange to fund our purchases of fuel and other essentials. But, we cannot be a country that didn’t try, or didn’t consider it necessary to stem this tide.
Singapore’s founder premier Lee Kwan Yew famously said that if his country was rife with corruption, Singaporean women would have to work as housemaids in the kitchens of Middle Eastern countries.
The gentleman was concerned about the collective dignity of Singaporeans, and the effect that would have on the nation’s psyche.
In contrast, successive Sri Lankan Governments couldn’t care less. It was as if the poor were encouraged to work for a pittance abroad so that the rich could make merry on the spoils that were remitted back to the country. That’s not stated in jest. Sri Lankan Embassies in the Middle East notoriously couldn’t care less about the plight of some workers who were mistreated. But they made sure that every facility was made available to remit the money that was realised by these servants to the Sheiks.
All of the above should make clear that dependence on foreign remittances should be a last and not first resort. We were forced to sell our labour abroad because of the dearth of employment and business opportunities within the country. It is as simple as that.
Once it was clear that the powers that be didn’t mind if the poor toiled abroad, and were salivating for the money they brought in, the system became institutionalised. The ruling cabals didn’t want to think of policy solutions that would help grow the economy. They could lord it over the toiling hordes, as long as they could ensure that there would be enough of a labour-force that could be forced to go abroad and effectively sell their souls for a mess of pottage that would sustain the corrupt ruling classes back home.
It’s time to regain national dignity, and eschew the selling of cheap labour as a source of national revenue. The policymakers must generate alternative sources of income for the country if this ideal is to be realised. But it’s the psychology that matters too. If the rulers are intent on retaining the status quo in which the sale of cheap labour is considered our primary source of national income, the country would continually languish in the doldrums.
People should consider themselves as something more than domestic servants, nurses for old people, drivers and hospital attendants, if they want to envision a country that offers dignity, opportunities, and a standard of living that makes people want to stay back, and not leave the country.
But, foreign remittances have been the opium of the masses. The rulers have ensured that the revenue earned from selling the people’s labour cheap, helps keep our heads just above water. The people in turn have got used to existing on the barest minimum and not aspiring to anything more. They have cultivated a fatalism about their general plight and that’s not surprising as the rulers have always “showed them their place” as the servants and odd job men for foreigners.
As outlined earlier, it doesn’t mean that all Sri Lankans abroad are menial workers. There are top-echelon scientists and other professionals. But these are in the minority. The vast majority have forgotten what it is to hail from a country that is interested in keeping the dignity of its average citizen intact.
It’s not the work ethic of the Singaporeans that helped the country make that quantum leap from backwater to Asian Tiger. It was also the mindset. If people buy into the mythology that they are only suited to be domestics abroad or odd-job men to rich foreigners, they cannot envision a better country for themselves. In other words, they cannot make the mental leap towards considering themselves worthy of comfortable living conditions.
As of last month, however, we should make that mental leap. We seem to be in a place where we can at least try to stop wallowing in our plight. But the policymakers cannot be satisfied with the status quo. They cannot be satisfied with shoring up our two major revenue streams, foreign remittances and tourism-earnings. They have to ensure that the nation grows out of this two-track mindset.
There could be a blowback. People could say that our revenue earners abroad are being maligned, that the dignity of their labour is not being appreciated. The problem is that they don’t have dignity of labour in the first place.
They are for the most part doing jobs that foreigners won’t do in their own countries because those jobs don’t offer dignity of labour. Their foreign employers seldom offer them the dignity they deserve. That’s the truth for the most part, and there is no point glossing over it.