Electrical/Electronic Equipment for Sale
Osceiloscope, Frequence counter, and some tools Denon AVR Receiver / Amplifier (For Parts) Denon Dual Cassette Player LG, Video Cassette Player. 0766073811
Machinery/Tools for Sale
Complete set of workshop Tools submersible water pump (New) 0766073811
Arms & Ammunition
Air-Rifles, To safeguard your valuable crops from Monkeys, Simians, Giant Squirrels and other pest animals, manufactured with highest quality standard Brands from Europe and China. With a warranty. 0.177/0.22 Cal. RP Colombo. Branch : Puttalam. 0112513151, 0714513887, 0714513888.
Thomas & Sons importers and manufacturers of air-rifles. Professional shotgun repairers. Now based on the needs of the local farmers excellent air-rifles to the customers manufactured at concessionery prices with assurance from Rs. 49,500/- upwards without the agents. 011-4361961, 011-5737777, WhatsApp: 0777319250, 0777079250.
Household Items & Elect. Appliances for Sale
Brand new still packing Bread Maker Big Loaf Ideal for domestic use or small catering business (Breville Brand) / Food Processor hardly used white colour (Breville Brand) / Business Type Brief Cases ( All in Excellent Condition) / Don Carolis Table Lamp / Paintings etc. Vases etc (All high quality products). Inquire: 0714943983
Washing Machine, Microwave oven , Glassware, Pyrex Dishes, Some Furniture items, Babby car Seat. 0766073811
Cameras & Accessories for Sale
Air Tight glass Dessicator (Protect Lenses) camera gadget bag, Tripod Attachments, variety of filters. 0766073811
Books & Magazines
Need to give up, donate, downsize or sell (Wholesale) your personal library. Homes visited. Contact 0777745600.
Miscellaneous for Sale
High quality Office partition for immediate sale in Hokandara. Contact – 0762133337 or +61481095544 for more details & photos.