A recent Committee on Public Accounts (COPA) hearing has uncovered a loss of Rs. 2.45 billion linked to a controversial smart street lighting project launched by the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC). What was initially promoted as a zero cost initiative for the CMC has instead resulted in a significant financial loss.
Former Municipal Commissioner Badrani Jayawardena, who testified before the committee, said that she had opposed several contract conditions during the project’s execution, which subsequently led to threats from officials connected to the initiative.
The hearing also brought to light serious security concerns regarding the project. It was disclosed that control over street lighting in high-security zones had been held by the contractor for an extended period. The former commissioner said that this level of control posed a national security risk. She said that she had raised the issue with the authorities at the time.
The COPA instructed the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) to conduct an immediate investigation into the matter. The committee also emphasized the importance of stringent oversight on future municipal projects to avoid similar financial mismanagement and potential security threats.