We refer to the cartoon published in the Sunday Observer on 9.2.2020 under the headline, “Former Ministers purchased 78 luxury vehicles worth Rs. 2,800 million”. Mr. Ravi Karunanayake had filed a defamation case in the District Court of Colombo alleging that the said cartoon is defamatory of him. He expresses that the cartoon depicts him using a luxury vehicle, but he did not have a connection to that incident of importing vehicles.
According to the facts revealed, under the approval received on 3.5.2017, a Benz worth Rs. 41.5 million had been purchased for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It had been revealed that at the time this approval was granted, Mr. Ravi Karunanayake was not serving as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to these facts, we express that the said vehicle had been purchased for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and not for Mr. Ravi Karunanayake.
The Defendants of the said matter express their sincere regrets if any pain of mind was caused to Mr. Ravi Karunanayake by publishing the said cartoon under the then management in 2020. This expression of regret is published in pursuance of the settlement entered in the District Court of Colombo Case No. DMR/351/2022.