Cars for Sale
MG ZS 2018 red 126,000 km, company maintained AC PS sunroof, mint condition. 0722223648. Rs. 89/75 laks, for sale.
Nissan Cars for Sale
16-1500cc Trad Sunny F option 1350000 15-1300cc B11 – auto hatch back 850,000. 4-1300 VW 900000 Nugegoda. 0722841786, 0718262853.
Tractors & Agri-Equipment for Sale
6HP Japanese Kawasaki hand tractor, almost new excellent condition 160,000 – 382 Vigoda Road, Bemmulla (one mile from Bemmulla Railway Station). 071-5769538.
Motor Spares & Accessories for Sale
Benz-W124, W202, W210 Benz doors, Mudguards, Hosecuts and a stock of spare parts, for sale at wholesale price with 50% discount from the sale price. 0777323996.