Women cyclists gathered for the ‘Ride Colombo’ charity event yesterday to mark International Women’s Day. The ride from Galle Face to Kollupitiya celebrated women empowerment, fitness, and community, while also promoting women in tourism.

Members of Viruliya Sevana, an organisation of retired female officers of the Armed Forces, organised a spiritual event to coincide with International Women’s Day at Heenatikumbura Rajamaha Vihara, Battaramulla yesterday. In the picture members wishing all the people worldwide to be free from war, famine and pestilence, the Three Fears (Thun Biya) described in Buddhist literature. Seated from left: Lt. Col. Kumudini Muthaliff (retd), Dr. Priyantha Nawarathna, Ramya Weerakoon (patron) and President of Viruliya Sevana, Major Ramani Bandara (retd).