Our responsibility towards lives in the world | Page 2 | Sunday Observer

Our responsibility towards lives in the world

2 May, 2021

Life is considered as an eminent creation and a great gift that we have received from God. Basically, its survival depends on the factors which can be named as air,water, food and other relevant factors.

Normally, these factors are things which are consumed by not only humans but also by the flora and fauna. But currently, most of us seem to be unaware that life not only belongs to humans but also to other living beings in the world.

Today, life is threatened owing to our own behaviour..Consequently, the equilibrium in nature is under danger.

Now, the time has come to work in an eco friendly way. For that, let us love nature and rise up against the forces who destroy life in the world. Let us keep in mind that we will be saved if we protect nature and that it is our responsibility to work hard with the motive of safe guarding life and nature.

Koojana Malini

Grade 11

CH/ Holy Family Balika MMV


